Joanie 26th April 2020

Sorry to hear of Bob's passing this week. My prayers and thoughts go out to the family at this time! Bob,,,,,,,, was one of the first Veterans; I was able to speak with on m y first night or meeting; after signing up to the Towcester Branch.,three years ago now.(March, 2017). I had just moved to Towcester or England to live at the time only 4mos then ,from USA. He talked to me of the times he spent in the Military. He had a lot to share with me that night after our meeting. Even though, only brief discussion; he seemed like a most interesting gent.;and he made me feel accepted in the group. ;which I did appreciate. RIP Bob ; you will be missed! I Salute you!! ******(Joanie Smart) US Navy ...(Vietnam-era).